Mana aku nak cekau novel kat bawah ni:
1. Knife of dreams - Robert Jordan
2. Saving Fish From Drowning - Amy Tan
3. On Beauty - Zadie Smith
4. Lifeguard - James Patterson
5. Birthday Stories - Haruki Murakami
6. My Best Friend's Girl - Dorothy Koomson
7. The Mathematics of Love - Emma Darwin
yup! mau baca.. kalau terjum ke terbaca ke.. sila la share2 yee
i am deeply in love with haruki murakami!!! i just finished reading his blind willow and sleeping woman...phew!!!
I'm on my quest searching for the books. So, do help me
i heard some buzz about there's a bookshop somewhere in bangsar called goldfish or something...they sells good books!
thanks al lot 4 the info.. muah!
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