Aku jarang buat tagged ni tapi demi kamu wahai Ibu Nuha ku sayang.. aku relakan jua.. here it goes...
1) What is the most important thing in your life?my faith to Allah
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?henfon baru! ;) sony ericsson K530i. Tak sampai 5 jam hihi.. pastu, minyak gosok, Sam Po (Promoted by Anis ;P) sebab sebu lepas bebuka...
3) Where do you wish to get married?Mekah.. really!!
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?Dunia akhirat.. InsyaAllah...
5) Are you in love?Macam nak mati ja jatuh cinta ngan dia..
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?hmmm.. pasar malam tepi laut pinggir Sandakan.. bukak posa tadi.. Alhamdulillah..
7) Name the latest book that you bought?Al-Quran kira buku jugak ka? Aku beli baru ja tadi.. Al-quran kecik, leh bawak sana sini.. so cool.. nanti aku nak letak gambarnya nanti ;)
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?Aiyoh... Tanpa ayah dan ibu sapa la aku...
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.Chad Kroger (Vocalist Nickleback)
11) Christina or Britney?
Avril please..
12) Do you do your own laundry?
Every day
13) The most exciting place you want to go?Definitely, Niagara Falls.. aku mau sangat ke sana!!
14) Hugs or kisses?Hug, kisses... gomol.. hahahaha
15) 8 things I am passionate about:Outing (from Terusan Sugut), Tgk senyuman budak pemulihan aku, got at least 1 bar line di henfon aku, internet di Klinik Desa Terusan Sugut, movie, thrillers, mau pi camping, haiya! banyak jugak ni, nanti la sambung....
16) 8 things I say too often:sayang, aiyak!, adede, hek'elleh, ye laa, apa nya?,
17) 8 books I’ve read recently:Aku baca Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code for the 8th time, Nemesis by Bill Napier, Doomsday Conspiracy by Sidney Sheldon, Ayat-ayat cinta buat ke 3 kalinya, Feng Shui 2008, Buku Teks Bahasa Malaysia Tahun 4, Buku Teks Matematik Tahun 3 dan EReM (Educational Remedial)
18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
Current songs list: Used to, Home and What about Now dari Daughtry.
Selalu dengar lagu: If Tomorrow Never Comes by Ronan Keating.
Pasang sejuta kali takkan boring dengar lagu ni: Negaraku and Sabah Tanahairku. hihihi
19) 8 things I learned last year:
LAst year banyak benda aku blaja, bukan stakat lapan ja.. nak kena sebut jugak ka? aiya.. nanti la.
20) Tag 8 people:Tanak tag sapa-sapa.. aku budak baik.. tanak nyusahkan kamu2.. ehhehe
selamat hari raya.